Friday, May 11, 2012

[AJ McLean] New red jumpsuit by @ccrbrand

AJ and CCRBrand just posted on twitter couple photos of his new red jumpsuit. Besides the fact that he's looking absolutely gorgeous and that the jumpsuit is amazing, we noticed something even better, his necklace.

In that photo we can see AJ is wearing a Circle-Triangle necklace and, if we're not wrong (and I think we're not) that's the symbol of AA Recovery.

Looking for it we found this:

"The Sobriety Circle & Triangle Symbol, is the symbol used by Alcoholics Anonymous. The equilateral triangle represents the three part answer - unity, recovery and service - to a three part disease - physical, mental and spiritual, while the circle represents wholeness or oneness.

The body should be triangular, stable, the mind circular, open.

The triangle represents the means for generation of good energy, and is the most stable physical posture.

The circle symbolizes serenity and perfection, and the source of unlimited potential. Together they represent the perfect union of mind and body."

So proud of our man!

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