Wednesday, October 3, 2012

[AJ McLean] TMZ | AJ tried to play the celebrity card.

If you smell trouble everytime you read "TMZ" you're not that wrong, but sometimes it's just a not so cool situation, not necessarly a terrible thing. That's what happened yesterday when they published an article about AJ being face-to-face with LAPD.

According to TMZ AJ was pulled over by the cops 'cause something "was wrong" with his license plate, but the real buzz was that TMZ said that AJ tried to get away with that by playing the celebrity card, telling cops over and over that he had just wrapped a tour and simply didn't realize that there was something wrong with his license. At the end, nothing was wrong and it was just a huge misunderstanding, AJ's license was just fine even though the cops issued AJ with a citation for not having the proof of insurance with him at that time. If he'll have to pay any cash for the infraction, we don't know. Nor the TMZ guys.

To read the original article, go check here.

Credits to TMZ

To read and view AJ's response, check here.

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