Sunday, June 2, 2013

[Backstreet Boys] Everybody is Fine After the Earthquake

Early in the morning today Taiwan got struck by a serious magnitude 6.2 earthquake. Taipei, Taiwan capital, is something about 250Km far from Fuzhuo, where Backstreet Boys are right now, and could feel the earthquake effects as well. But don't panic, everything is alright with Backstreet Boys and their crew and staff, as well as with the city and it's citizens (so far there's not a report about injuries or damages in Fuzhuo area)

"A not so pretty show day in china not to mention the earthquake we felt that rocked the hotel about four hours ago! Yikes! Well were gonna rock the show tonight !"

Though everything is ok with Backstreet Boys and Fuzhou, Taiwan wasn't that luck, so let's keep them in our prayers.

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