Friday, November 25, 2011

[Backstreet Boys] Thanksgiving

Yesterday our American friends celebrated Thanksginving and the Backstreet Boys did no different.

While Howie were in Peru for his 3rd South American concert, Nick & Brian were celebrating with their families and AJ... Well, AJ went out with his friend Chris.

Posted by LeighanneLittrell
Howie posted on twitter saying he was about to go eat some turkey before he hit the satage, while Leighanne Littrell were cooking some delicious home made food for his husband and son.

Posted by LaurenKitt

Nick & Lauren were at home, as well, and she even posted a photo of their Thanksgiving meal.

Chris, AJ's friend, posted on his personal twitter account a photo of  them waiting to watch "Muppets" at the movies.

Posted by Chris
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